The Dodo Bird Has Been Extinct Since 1861 But Check Out Their Cousin, The Nicobar Pigeon

Most of us have heard or read about the Dodo bird at some time in the past. They existed on an island east of Madagascar are and were a large, flightless bird that stood a little over 3 feet tall. They have been extinct since 1661 and the only thing we know about them comes from eyewitness accounts and drawings. In fact, it was, at one time, doubted that they even existed and they were thought to be a mythical creature until further research showed they did exist.

Although it is impossible to see a Dodo bird today, they do have some close living relatives that are quite interesting to see. One of those is the Nicobar pigeon, and although they don’t look anything like a Dodo, they are amazingly beautiful.

Nicobar pigeons exist will be coastal regions of the Nicobar Islands. Their colours are quite bright as they don’t have many natural predators, so it is unnecessary to camouflage. Although the Nicobar pigeon is still in existence, they are considered “near threatened” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

You can learn more about the Nicobar pigeon through the images below:










Via: Bored Panda

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