The Sloth Institute Takes Care Of Sloths That Can’t Take Care Of Themselves

It doesn’t matter what type of animal you are speaking of, when they are babies, they are quite adorable. Many of them pale in comparison, however, to baby sloths. Like any creature in the wild, there are times when young sloths may need a helping hand unfortunately, the sloth Institute is there to assist them.

Every sloth that is under their care will be released back into their natural habitat after they are old enough to care for themselves. One thing is certain, these pictures are sure to be the cutest thing you’ve seen all day.


Their mission is to research captive and wild sloths. They are not a sloth sanctuary and many of the animals are not available to be seen by the public. At least we have pictures.


They also have a mission to collaborate with other institutes that work with sloths around the world.


Finally, they want to educate the public about sloths.


The founder of the Institute has dedicated her life to caring for animals. She spent two years at Kids Saving the Rain Forest caring for the sloths in their program. She has also traveled the world on expeditions to care for animals.


The best part about the sloth Institute is that you can adopt one!

This one is Elvis


Just so you have enough cuteness for the day, here is another adorable sloth picture.



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