This Cat And Owl Become Best Of Friends And Cuddle Buddies

We don’t often think about cats getting along with birds but the fact of the matter is, it can certainly happen. If you have any doubts, they are about to be erased when you see Marimo the kitten hanging out with his best friend, Fuku the baby owl and the two of them are too precious for words.

They hang out together at the Hukulou coffee shop in Osaka, Japan. Since being introduced, these two have become absolutely inseparable. They want to do everything together, regardless of whether it is cuddling up for a nap, having some playtime or just hanging out for the afternoon.

We can all learn something from these adorable animals. In many cases, we are unable to see past what appears on the exterior and in doing so, we are really missing out on a lot of what life has to offer. These two adorable animals may be strange bedfellows, but it absolutely works for them and nobody who sees these pictures would argue with the fact that nothing could be more perfect!








Via: Hype Dojo

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