This Elephant Lived Through 5 Decades Of Abuse And When They Rescued Him, He Cried Real Tears

Raju is an elephant in India who was forced to walk the streets to amuse tourists. He was caged, shackled and abused during that time. When you see him in person, you can tell that he is malnourished and the scars really tell the tale of what took place with this poor creature.

For five decades, he was forced to endure those difficulties but finally, rescuers arrived. They came from a UK-based organization, Wildlife SOS. When Raja realised that they were there to rescue him, you will not believe what happened.

Raju, the elephant, was held in chains 24 hours a day and unable to move freely. It is difficult to imagine what he had to endure for five decades.


He was understandably apprehensive when rescuers from Wildlife SOS came to free him. When he did realise why they were there, he started to cry.


The team was astounded when they saw real tears rolling down his face


“It was incredibly emotional. We knew in our hearts he realised he was being freed. Elephants are majestic and highly intelligent animals. We can only imagine what torture the past half a century has been for him.”


They believe that Raju was kidnapped from his mother and passed around from one owner to another for decades. He is finally free.


He now lives a happy life in India on a sanctuary with other rescued elephants.

“Today he knows what freedom is and he will learn what kindness feels like.”


We are thankful that this beautiful elephant is finally safe and can live a life full of love.

Via: Honest to Paws

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