12 Men Who Should Rethink Their Combover

There is an interesting phenomenon that happens to many men as they get older. Some people refer to it as male pattern baldness, other people simply say that they are “losing their hair.” Regardless of what you call it, it may give rise to a particular hairstyle that is affectionately known as the comb-over.

The comb-over, quite simply, is the hairstyle that is used when a man is in denial over the fact that he no longer has hair on top of his head. He may think that he is fooling everyone but in reality, he just needs to take a better look in the mirror. It is not only something that is embarrassing for him, the family sometimes wishes that he would just give up the hairstyle as well.

If you or someone you know is sporting one of these styles, it is time for you to set them straight. Do them a favor or do yourself a favor and embrace your boldness. Don’t be polite about the situation, just tell them to shave it off!

The following comb-over’s are definitely at the top of the list for men who need to make a change, STAT!

1. Somebody needs to tell this guy his hair colors don’t match


2. This one would even shame Donald Trump


3. What the?? This doesn’t even make any sense!


4. This should be called the comb forward


5. I guess he couldn’t afford a complete comb-over


6. Must invest in more hairspray


7. This is wrong on far too many levels


8. A cornrow comb-over? LOL


9. Perhaps he is trying to start a trend


10. You’re not fooling anyone


11. The wispy comb-over


12. Looks like a birds nest


There they are, the worst comb-over’s of all time.

It is time to crown the King of comb-over’s, and you can see him in this video.

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