13 Ridiculous Facts That Sound Outrageous But Are True

We often look at the world around us and accept the fact that we understand exactly what we are seeing. In fact, it makes is quite comfortable to be sure of ourselves in this way but when somebody questions anything that we know, it suddenly turns our world upside down. Many of us will even resist understanding the truth, simply because it is outside of what we currently believe.

The facts that are presented on this page may seem rather unusual, but they have been presented as truth. According to the authors, the facts were actually hidden by the government, China or the Illuminati. Although they may be hidden behind a veil, they are a truth that you must know. Once you begin to really understand what is taking place behind the scenes, it will be difficult for you to look at the world the same way again.


1. A Vampire will suck your blood for the vitamin D. They can’t get out in the sun to get it naturally.


2. There are more airplanes at the bottom of the ocean then there are submarines in the sky


3. Unicorns do exist. They are just a lot fatter than most people realise and they call themselves rhinos


4. An iPhone is going to explode someday and Samsung users will be the first to say that their phone had that feature for years


5. People could actually fly before Isaac Newton discovered gravity in 1687


6. Meet the mother of the minions


7. Donald Duck and his family were cannibals


8. The father of the three little pigs is hanging on the wall while they are singing


9. A man with a beard is more likely to cheat on his partner that a man who is clean-shaven


10. Millions of people die every year because their lifeguard is running in slow motion


11. Olympians will bite their metals after they win to see if they are actually chocolate


12. Voldemort tries to kill Ash Ketchum TWICE


13. If a panda gets enough sleep they don’t have dark circles


Via: Bored Panda

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