15 Tweets That Will Hit Home If You Think People Are The Worst

If there is one thing that all of us must deal with, it’s the fact that we have to interact with people at some point or another. That is when you realise that there are two different types of people in the world. The one type can be lumped in as “people people” and those are the ones who absolutely love being around others. Then there are those who would rather avoid other people at all costs!

If you find yourself unable to interact with people without getting frustrated, you will appreciate what these random tweets have to say. Not only that, they will let you know that you’re not alone in the world, although you would probably enjoy nothing better than being alone.

It doesn’t matter if you interact with people at work, at home or just among the general population, there are going to be times when you rub each other the wrong way. This is for all of you who would not consider themselves a people person and would rather avoid that type of human interaction.

Via: Buzz Feed

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