Being a woman can be difficult at times, and I don’t know any women who would argue with that fact. It is not only the people that you need to deal with on a day-to-day basis, it’s even your own struggles that you have both internally and externally.
For one thing, you need to deal with the stereotypes that surround being a woman and what the world expects out of you. If you take a look at any pictures of women online, you will see that perfection is the only standard available, and you need to hold that standard 24 hours a day.
Fortunately, women also have the ability to laugh and you will certainly love these 17 comic strips that perfectly illustrate the not so easy life a woman must endure. They were drawn by Cassandra Calin, and we feel that she has a pretty good grip on what women have to go through each and every day. You are going to love these!
Via: Bright Side
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