25 Funny Things Mothers Have Done When Sleep Deprived

6. “When my baby woke up in the middle of the night crying I answered the door thinking it was someone ringing the doorbell.”

7. “During my first month as a new mum I texted my husband (who was in bed next to me) to ask him where he was.”

8. “I filled a sippy with milk and handed it to the dog. When he didn’t take it I got annoyed and said, ‘Well? Here you go!’ It took me a full five seconds to realise he wasn’t the 2-year-old.”

9. “One night I realised my whole family was in the room with me but no one was holding the baby. Panicked, I yelled, ‘Where’s the baby?!’ My husband looked straight at me and said, ‘Um, honey, you’re nursing her.'”

10. “I left the house with my nursing bra on both sides flopped down.”