The Car Was Stolen But Then Returned With A Crazy Note And Some Cash

One of the more frustrating things that we may need to deal with in our life is if we have something stolen from us. At times, it may be something small and that is frustrating enough but when it is something large, it can be nerve-racking. In this case, it was an automobile that was stolen in the middle of the night but something most unusual happened on the following day.

As it turns out, the car disappeared in the middle of the night but by the next day, the car was back again. The entire thing was caught on surveillance camera, with a woman walking up to the vehicle, climbing inside and driving way calmly after waiting a few minutes.


“We were really confused because it didn’t seem like the normal actions of a car thief,” Hatzi said in an interview. “You wouldn’t think they’d sit there in idle in the owner’s driveway for two or three minutes.”


She had a right to be confused because this was not your everyday, average theft. The police report told more of the story when it was filed on the following day.

When Hatzi’s husband took the trash out on the next day, he saw the “thief” standing in front of the house along with the police and the car was there with them.

The woman came back with the automobile along with an envelope full of cash and a note.


When you read the note, you will understand further.

The note read: “Hello, So sorry I stole your car. I sent my friend with my key to pick up my red Subaru at 7802 SE Woodstock and she came back with your car. I did not see the car until this morning and I said, ‘that is not my car.’ There is some cash for gas and I more than apologise for the shock and upset this must have caused you. If you need to speak further, with me, I am *** and my number is *** So so sorry for this mistake.”

Hatzi posted the note on Facebook along with the gas money that was left behind. It was also confirmed that the keys to older Subaru vehicles are, at times, interchangeable.

As it turns out, the thief had a car just a block away and her friend had taken the wrong one. It’s one of those unusual situations in which reality is stranger than fiction.

Via: NX2

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