Dad Has 4 Children And The Funniest Twitter Account Of All Time

Ask any parent and they will tell you, the most important thing to have when children are around is a sense of humour. After all, there are going to be times when frustrations occur but through it all, if you are able to laugh at the situations, you will be a much happier and healthier person.

It looks as if this father of four has mastered the art of laughing at the ridiculous. In fact, he wants to share it with you and he does so through his hilarious Twitter account. This just may be the funniest Twitter account of all time.

Obviously this father takes instructions very well.


Okay, you win that one


She understands the art of denial


You need to have your priorities straight

And there it is


You don’t want to mess with this one


Logic is an important part of being a child


His kids understand from an early age


Logic rules the day


Via: Hot Mums Club

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