Drunken Man Wakes Up To Find He Bought A £28,500 Bus The Previous Night

If you’ve ever spent a night out on the town and had a little bit too much to drink, you know what a terrible feeling it can be when you log into your bank account in the morning. You begin to assess the damage and at times, you may even run across a surprise or two.

That was the case with a man named Davie, who also had a surprise, but it was more than an extra drink. When he was out partying the past week, he apparently bought a bus!

“So I was in Ushuaia last night absolutely loving life with not a care in the world, and the night just flew over,” Little wrote on Facebook. “When I left the night club I took my phone out of my pocket and realised I had bought a £30,000 grand bus.”


In another Facebook post, he clarified that the bus is not paid for yet and it is being disputed.

Well that escalated quickly!!!!!!!!Now time for my say on this..
Firstly I can’t actually believe the response my post received its been absolutely crazy these last two days, it’s managed to get in every paper and also most radio stations which to me is absolutely crazy… But regarding the actual incident.. I can swear down that it is 100% genuine and when I left Ushuaia I realised I’d clicked ‘buy it now’ on the coach and Lucia will happily support that. Not once have I said money was exchanged, everyone just made that up or assumed it.. It is currently under dispute so I’m awaiting to find out what will happen…
I put the post on the following morning for a bit of banter as I came to terms with what I had done and thought it was quite funny..

Via: Mashable

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