Father Makes the Greatest Costume for His Son

Most people are quite happy to wear what could be considered a “normal” costume, but some people just need to take it to the next level. When you see what this father did for his son, you will recognize that he certainly wants to do something to epic proportions. After seeing it, I would say he nailed it!

This is a battle ready costume that is based on the 90s video game, Mechwarrior. Six-month-old Geraint gets to sit in the driver’s seat but his father is hiding underneath, controlling every step of the way. I give it an A for effort and an A+ for execution…

The “MechDaddy” is ready

Battle Robot Cuteness

Underneath the suit, these two look like the perfect pair

It may be made out of cardboard, but the detail is awesome!

Straps and Velcro help to keep things in place yet flexible

Detail in the front and the back!

The strength is in the frame…

Believe it or not, the costume is made from packing boxes

Put those boxes together, add a little paint and a lot of creativity and before you know it, you have the perfect costume!

See it in action…

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