Finally! They Have Made A Pill That Makes Your Farts Smell Like Chocolate

It doesn’t matter who we are or how sophisticated we happen to be, there is something that we all do. I’m talking about farting, sometimes known as passing gas or breaking wind. Regardless of what you want to call it, it is an issue for all of us and sometimes, it can be quite embarrassing. That isn’t going to be the case any longer.

A French inventor has come up with a brilliant line of scented pills that will change the way you break wind from this moment forward. Rather than being offensive, they cause your gaseous emissions to smell like roses, violets and even chocolate.

The inventor is Christian Poincheval, and he was inspired to create the product after a rather smelly dinner with friends. In his words: “We had just came back from Switzerland and we were eating a lot … the smell from the flatulence was really terrible. We couldn’t breathe so me and [my] friend decided something had to be done.”

Supposedly, this product does more than make your farts smell good. It can also help to keep the digestive system running smoothly and can reduce bloating. Some of the different types of pills include the “Father Christmas,” which is cocoa infused and the “St. Valentine’s Ginger Fart Pill,” which is perfect for those moments alone with your significant other.

There is even a powder form that can be used over your dog’s food. It’s great for those moments with Fido just wants to share.

Via: Mental Floss

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