At least I Now Know There Is A Name For It

There is something that we all do on a daily basis but that doesn’t mean that we all do it in the same way. I’m talking about eating, and regardless of whether it is eating a meal or grabbing a late night snack, it’s something that many of us do with passion. Unfortunately, that passion can also get us into some trouble, but we still love it all the same.

Food is more than just something that keeps us alive, it is something that we love from the heart. After all, most of us have experienced having a meal that was so delicious, it almost brought a tear to our eye. Truth be known, we may have even shed a tear. If you are somebody that loves food, you will appreciate these pictures. If you know somebody that loves food, they would appreciate you sending this page to them.


1. Time to find that midnight snack

2. This is absolutely true

3. I so feel this

4. This isn’t too much to ask, is it?

5. Why didn’t I ever think of this?

6. At least there’s a word for it

H/T: Diply

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