Local Plumber Goes For Laughs And Shock Value With His Truck Design And It Is Working For Him

When you run your own business, you take every opportunity to make a name for yourself. Anything you can do to make your business stand out among the competition will help you to build your business quickly.

If you are in such a situation, you can take a lesson from Nick Huckson, a plumber from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. He has made a name for his business, the Sault’s Plumber in the funniest way possible.


Nick Hudson is a plumber, but he is also a great marketer. He has done something to get his business noticed and it is working very well.


He learned the trade from his grandfather.


His company has a different name but they use the same logo.

They also do something else to get noticed, and it comes in the form of a logo on the front door.


That’s right


People notice his door quickly, and it has not only made a name for him while he is driving around, it is online as well.

Don’t worry, his family appreciates the humour just as much as he does.


When people think of plumbing in the area, they automatically think of his crazy truck.


The only problem is that he needs to wear green to match.


He is not only making people happy with their plumbing, he is making them smile.

Via: Little Things

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