People Thought Glasses on the Museum floor Was Art

If you have ever spent any amount of time at an art museum, you recognize that there are different types of people who visit. There are the beginners, who simply walk through the museum taking a casual glance at the artwork. On the other end of the spectrum are those who take the time to study each individual piece of art and try to “figure it out.”

It seems as if some of these people were taken for a ride, as it were, by a prankster at a local museum. The pranksters put a pair of glasses on the floor and you will be amazed with what happens as people wander by. Just so you know, these are only glasses, they are not part of an actual exhibit.


Many people love to play pranks, and some people even consider it to be somewhat of an art form. I don’t know if this prank is an art form or not, but it certainly is funny.

Several people passing by thought the glasses on the floor were an actual art exhibit! They stood there and ogled them.


Admittedly, the simplicity of a pair of glasses on the floor looked a bit like it could have been art. In reality, they were just a pair of glasses but the prank seems to be an art form all of its own.

Via: Mashable

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