Police Run A ‘Missed Connections’ Advert And People Can’t Stop Laughing At It

One of the issues that we are facing today when we are out and about is distracted driving, particularly from people sending text messages while they are on the road. Texting while driving is certainly a safety issue but it doesn’t always have to result in a ticket. It may be possible for a police officer to make their point without having to write one, and one officer has proven such in a hilarious viral post.

The local police department has shared this amusing anecdote that one of their officers had passed a law. It was titled “Missed Connections” after the board on Craigslist that was meant to help people find each other after a brief encounter. As it turns out, this was a whole lot bigger than two people who happened to bump into each other at the grocery.

A driver had been left at a stoplight, with all the other cars proceeding on but this driver was too busy texting to notice. The police officer pulled up in the opposite direction but the distracted driver still didn’t notice!


The message read, in part, “I am sure the message was important. I cannot question your motive for being 25 feet back from the green traffic signal. Stopped. Focused. Self absorbed.”

Rather than writing the individual a ticket, he decided to allow things to take their course. Eventually, the person looked up from their message and met eyes with the officer. Of course, the man was embarrassed and he knew exactly what the police officer was thinking.

The story is funny but it is also one that has very serious undertones. Sending text messages while driving is illegal and this individual could very well have ended up paying a fine for what he was doing.

Via: Scary Mummy

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