Teacher Confronts Father After His Daughter Says They Have A Lot Of ‘Weed’ At Home

If there is one thing that is true about children across the board, it’s the fact that they are going to snitch on their parents. In most cases, they will blurt out something at the most inappropriate time, typically leaving the parent with a red face and trying to explain themselves to whoever was there.

That was also true of this father, who has a daughter that really outed him to her teacher. His name is Dax Holt, and when he went to school that day, his teacher had something unusual to tell him. It seems that Skylar, his daughter, had told the teacher that they had “A ton of weed at home.”

Her father was left speechless but her teacher continued: “She says you’re growing it.”


It seems as if Holt had some explaining to do. He brought in his daughter to ask some questions and he answers have everyone laughing.

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“What did you tell your teacher today?” Holt asked. “Weed is not good for you!” Skylar exclaimed.

“And why did you say that?” Holt continued. “Because weed is stuff like grass, but it’s not – it’s weed.”

The child admitted he had told her teacher that the family had a lot of weed at home, especially in the back yard. She said it might be small now, but it would soon grow and need to be relocated.

Holt talked his daughter into showing him exactly where the weed was growing. She went out into the backyard and showed the world where it was.

It seems that she was talking about a little bit of overgrown grass from their nice lawn.

She continued to work her way around the yard, calling every blade of tall grass a weed. It seems that he doesn’t have a weed problem, he has a lawn problem.

H/T: Liftable

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