This Could Very Well Be the Most Hopeful Man in the World

If you have ever looked at somebody trying to do something and thought that they were attempting to do the impossible, you certainly are not alone. The fact of the matter is, we have all thought that about strangers and perhaps, we have even thought it about our friends and family as well. What many people don’t realise, however, is exactly how often somebody is thinking it about them.

If you have any doubts as to how people are looking at you, perhaps this image can put it into perspective. When this man was standing in the parking lot, attempting to fit a very large beam into a very small car, he probably saw the logic behind it. I’m sure that he didn’t think twice about how he looked to others on the outside, but when you get right down to it, all he looked was funny.



Personally, I consider myself to be a fairly logical person. I know that there are going to be times when I can’t figure something out but somebody else can come along and make the best of it. It is just one of those factors in life that I have become accustomed to and I don’t really think twice about it when somebody has a better idea than me. Does this guy have a better idea than me? I highly doubt it, but he does have a funnier idea than me.

If there is one thing that is the possession of all mankind, it is hope. When something goes wrong and an obstacle appears in their path, people still have hope. When it seems as if all hope is gone, people will still hold onto a glimmer of hope. Perhaps that is why a poet once wrote, “Hope Springs Eternal.” I’m not exactly sure, but I think he may have been talking about this man.

Via: The Poke

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