10 Year Old Becomes Seriously Ill After Friends Pressure Him Into Drinking Energy Drink At School

Energy drinks are in my humble opinion a horrible product, and certainly a product that should never see the inside of a school. We all understand peer pressure and bullying, and the kids have enough knowledge to know that drinking these drinks will have some effects.


10-year-old Dylan was pressurised into trying one of these energy drinks, with a brand name of GFuel by his friends at school. The first his mother Josee knew about it, was when the school called her to tell her that Dylan had reacted badly to the drink.


This drink in particular claims to enhance your focus and sharpen your vision, but it seemed to have the totally opposite reaction for Dylan. He was stumbling down the stairs, and slurring his words when the school called his mum.
When Dylan started vomiting, Josee knew she had to get him to the emergency room urgently. What she has learned subsequently is enough to worry every parent on the planet. According to the American Acadamy Of Pediatrics, there is significant evidence to show that energy drinks can be highly dangerous to children. They can cause seizures, spikes in blood pressure, and in the worst case scenario, they can prove fatal.


Luckily Drew made a full recovery but Josee has had a serious conversation with him about never drinking energy drinks again. She is also determined to highlight the dangers of these drinks to children, something this site is more than happy to get behind. Please don’t give your kids energy drinks, and share this story with your friends and family to raise awareness.
