Batman Is Saving The Day By Running Down Creepy Clowns In The UK

If there is one thing that is certain about society, it’s the fact that it changes on an ongoing basis. What may be a craze on one day could be out of style the next. Most recently, it has been a difficulty with creepy clowns that have been chasing and frightening people in the UK.

These clown related incidents have left a number of children traumatized and they are having a difficulty sleeping. In order to combat the difficulty, a costume company has sent out ‘Batman’ to chase those clown pranksters and to make sure that both the children and their families realise that they are safe.


BBC has shared pictures of the superhero on their Facebook page.

Cumbria Superheroes has decided to put a stop to this difficulty. Now that children have been traumatized as a result of the clowns, they have sent out Batman to patrol the streets.

The scary clown craze got its start in the United States but it quickly entered the UK. People dress up as clowns and arm themselves with knives, jumping out of bushes to scare children or chasing pedestrians. In Kent alone, there were 59 instances reported to the police in only three days.

These “killer clown” incidents have been reported in London and at least 3 of them are now considered to be criminal offenses. They tend to leave people anxious and intimidated.

The police are urging those responsible to consider how their actions would impact other people. In addition, dress shops are being asked not to sell clown costumes to children.

Via: Mashable

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