Beautiful Art But Can You Find The Hidden Treasure?

I’ve been around for quite some time and it takes a lot for me to be amazed, but this one did it for me! They are pictures that come from an artist, Johannes Stötter, who has been using his abilities to fuse art with body painting in most amazing ways. Since 2009, he has been doing this remarkable work and you are not going to believe what you see, if you are able to see it!

The art that he produces creates an illusion out of many different things in nature. It doesn’t matter whether it is fruits and vegetables, wildlife or even trees, if you allow your eyes to adjust to the paintings properly, you will begin to see what is truly in the picture. By doing this, he allows his true subjects to blend into the surroundings and to become a part of the overall picture.

It was a painting of a tropical frog with five human bodies that thrust Johannes into the spotlight in 2013. The piece was so remarkable that it made headlines worldwide!

It doesn’t matter if you have seen his work or not, you will appreciate everything that he has to offer. Below is just a small compilation of some of the art that he provides.

In this first picture, you might think that it is just a pile of stones but if you look closely, you may see the true picture within the picture.


It may take a while for you to be able to see it but there is actually a model in the picture that has had their body painted meticulously to blend into their surroundings. Can you see it?


Does this look like a pile of leaves to you? Look closely!


This picture blends a model into the landscape on several different levels.


And at times, his work makes them part of the subject matter seamlessly.


His work is some of the best that I’ve ever seen and I love how difficult it is to find the subject in many of his pictures. If you agree, why not share this post with your friends and family? They are sure to love it as well.