Cop Wakes Up To Find His Bike Stolen And A Note From The Thief

Many of us would agree that it is morally wrong to take something that doesn’t belong to you, regardless of the circumstances. There may be times, however, when even an honest person finds themselves in a situation and takes something that doesn’t belong to them. That was the case with the teenage girl who stole a bike from a police officer. He then found a letter that explained why his bike was stolen.

The 19-year-old who stole the bicycle apologise for taking it without permission. She had been out late and needed to get home, which was 16 miles away. “I had to walk from Radford to Blacksburg at 2am [sic]because of drunk boys, a dead phone, and no money/rides in Radford,” the note read. “Regardless, I had every intent to return it to you. I saw the sheriff car and hoped you would understand a 19 year old girls [sic] rationale.”

The anonymous note was signed “M” and she let the police officer know that the bicycle did help her to get home safe. In her words: “I’m genuinely sorry and hope you can forgive me for returning it so late.”

The police officer penned his own response and he posted it to Facebook and hope that she would see it and contact him.

It turns out he has a girl that is a few years younger than the girl who took his bicycle. He was concerned about her safety rather than her decision to steal his bicycle. He advised her to know her surroundings, because many teenage girls have gone missing in that type of situation.


“There are unfortunately a lot of really bad people out there waiting for an easy target such as a young girl out early in the morning by herself,” he said in his post. “Carry some sort of means to protect yourself and learn how to do so.”

He suggested that she choose her friends wisely and to have someone she can rely on when she’s out late at night.

“If you are going to go out and party make sure you have reliable friends and plenty of people you can call to come get you should something go wrong,” he wrote.

His Facebook post expressed how he does not want to be called on a search to find a missing child. He only asked that the next time she is in a similar situation, she would look for help first, even if she had to knock on a stranger’s door.

Bowden ended his note, “I’m sure you have a family that loves you very much and people who value your existence. In the future please don’t put yourself in such a precarious position, but if you ever do, have a backup plan. Should that fail, please bypass my bicycle and come knock on my door. That is all. God bless.”

He hasn’t had any luck finding the teenager: “I haven’t spoken to her yet. I’m still hoping that would happen.”

He hopes that she sees his note on Facebook but if she doesn’t, perhaps it would help to keep other girls safe.

H/T: Liftable

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