Boy With Asperger’s Syndrome Writes Breathtaking Poem That Gives Us A Wonderful Insight Into His Life

When you first have a baby you want to wrap him or her in cotton wool, and protect them forever. Unfortunately, that is not realistic, and as they grow older, and go to school, their exposure to bullying and nasty comments can and probably will increase. Unfortunately, as parents, we can’t be there for them 24/7 and the best we can do is to try our very best to work through the issues with them, and ensure that they know we love them regardless.

For a child with special needs, the situation becomes even more regular and intense.Studies cited by CNN show that 46% of children with special needs are likely to experience some form of victimisation or bullying in secondary school. This is both a sad and frustrating statistic and as a parent I know I would be extremely angry if I ever discovered that my child had been bullying another.


Sometimes for children with Asperger’s syndrome it can be hard to crack their outer shell, and discover what they are really thinking and feeling. The little boy in this story wrote the most amazing poem as part of his assignment. Due to the fact he was writing it down, it gave him the time and opportunity to get everything down on paper in a way that perhaps he would never have expressed vocally. The letter made his parents extremely proud, but I think it is also an excellent way for us to educate ourselves and our children, about the difficulties that children with special needs face. Read Benjamin’s stunning poem below, it will certainly make you think.
