Doctors Are Warning Women Not To Put Wasp Nests Into Their Private Parts

Most of us appreciate it when we get some good medical advice, especially if we didn’t have to pay for it. Every once in awhile, however, we get advice that is really better left on the table. That is the case when it comes to putting wasp nests in your vagina. It may seem strange, but women are actually doing this to rejuvenate and tighten their vagina. Let’s just say it’s a bad idea.

According to some reports, women are using crushed oak galls for that purpose. These are the nest that housed the larva and eggs of wasps. They grind them up and put the substance into the vagina in the hopes that it will “restore the uterine wall after childbirth, heal an episiotomy cut and also clean out the vagina.”

Oak galls have been used in natural medicine for quite some time to treat various issues. One thing they have not been used for, however, is to restore or tighten the vaginal walls.

Even if it was possible to rejuvenate in such a way, the possible side effects make it a very bad choice. There are astringent’s found in oak galls that irritate or dry out the vagina. It may lead to friction during intercourse and infections.

It is never a good idea to put any foreign substance into the vagina and a wasp nest is certainly a bad idea.

This trend in vaginally beauty and rejuvenation says that women should put two ground-up wasp nests into the vagina. Good idea? I think not!

The University of Kentucky says that Oak galls, or oak Apple galls “are large rounded growths that are filled with a spongy mass. A single wasp larva is located in a hard seed-like cell in the center.”

Oak galls at one time were used for producing ink but more recently, women have been grinding them into powder and putting them into the vagina in the hopes of making it younger.

Doctors feel this is a questionable practice and may even be dangerous. Most of us already realize that we shouldn’t be doing it.

According to OB/GYN Christine Greves, there is more study that needs to be done into the subject. It’s a bad idea to do it because of the lack of research.

Not only are they potentially unhealthy, but they can also be downright dangerous. Powdered oak galls can increase the risk of infection and vaginal odor along with vaginal dryness.

It turns out that you can actually buy Oak galls online quite easily, but it is not recommended that you do so.

Many of the people who sell Oak gall powder say it can help with vaginal tightening and cleansing but it is not backed up with any studies. Healthcare professionals are even warning to stay away from it.

Some of the people who sell them say it may sting when you apply it. Why would you continue to do it if your body is telling you not to?

As Dr. Jen Gunter explained in a blog post, “Here’s a pro-tip, if something burns when you apply it to the vagina it is generally bad for the vagina.”

Just because the product is available does not mean it is approved by doctors.

If you have any vaginal problems, it is best to discuss them with your doctor. Don’t try to solve them on your own.

The same is also true if you have any questions about a supposed health product. Always ask your doctor if you are in doubt.

In other words, don’t put a wasp nest in any part of your body.

Source: Little Things