Does ADHD Really Exist?

At what point do they start calling boredom a mental disorder? It seems as if attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Approximately 19% of Americans have been diagnosed!

Meanwhile, if you look across the pond to France, you find that the diagnosis is well under 1%! Why is there such a difference in the figures when you compare the United States to France? The information that is provided in this article may come as a surprise to you, but it is important for it to be revealed!


First of all, it has been said that ADHD is a questionable disorder, at best. If you were to go back in time a few decades, an individual with ADHD would simply be labeled as suffering from boredom.

Dr. Edward C Hamlyn of the Royal College of Gen. Practitioners had this to say…

“ADHD is a fraud intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction.”


Dr. Leon Eisenberg, who is considered to be one of the “founding fathers” of this so-called disorder made a deathbed confession. He said “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.”

At this point, we can turn our attention to France. Admittedly, there are numerous cultural differences when you compare France to the United States. For example, many people in France will avoid consuming processed food or food with chemicals in comparison with those who live in the United States. This is especially seen in school meals. In France, school meals are often prepared using local produce and livestock and are prepared by chefs in training.

You also need to consider some of the foods that are being consumed by children in the United States. These include GMO foods, high fructose corn syrup, stimulants and allergens. It is little wonder, therefore, that children have a difficult time focusing!

You don’t need anyone to tell you that children tend to have more energy and are more active at this stage in their life. This behavior often stems from being confined to an assigned seat in a classroom that closely resembles a prison!

So the question is, do schoolchildren have a deficit in attention or are they just completely bored?

What happens when you go to a movie and you find it to be extremely boring! Do you blame it on the possibility of a mental disorder that limits your ability to focus on the film?

Of course you don’t!

Any reasonable person would simply walk out of the theater and get a refund.

On the other hand, when children are bored in a school environment and they act out, we suddenly begin to blame it on our children. With what results?

First of all, it justifies the fact that most schoolchildren in the United States have poor dietary habits and the school environments are certainly lacking. In addition, it also allows the pharmaceutical companies to continue to fill their pockets because they are selling treatments for disorders that may not even exist!


In France, ADHD is not commonly treated with drugs. It is treated through socialization and talk therapy.

Paul Fassa of Real Pharmacy had this to say…

“Psychiatrists traded in their note pads used in talk therapy for prescription pads as their professional stature diminished a few decades ago…So then psychiatrists could have patients visit for 15 minutes then prescribe them pharmaceuticals.”

Something else that is certainly disturbing is the fact that Ritalin, a drug given to children with ADHD, is a stimulant. It is very similar in its molecular structure to cocaine! In other words, we are stimulating our children with a potentially dangerous drug because school does not provide the stimulation that they need.

The war on drugs continues to rage in the streets across America and elsewhere around the world. Perhaps we need to look closer to home at the drugs that are being pushed legally into our households by Big Pharma.

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