10 Reasons Why Sisters Are The Best Thing In The World

We may have a lot of different friends in our lifetime, but one that we will typically hold dear from the time that we are quite young and through the rest of our life is our sister. She is our first best friend and she is somebody that is more than just a sibling who was there on a regular basis. We trust them with our most intimate secrets and we turn to them when we need a friend.

Of course, as is the case with any sibling, there may be a few problems and bumps along the way but in the end, we would never change a single day. If you are somebody who has a sister that you absolutely adore, you can certainly appreciate the following 10 reasons why sisters are the absolute best.


1. She’s your first and best friend

She has been there for you your entire life and as you get older, you will experience many different things but she will always be there for you. Regardless of the type of person you are, she will give you unconditional love.

2. You share wardrobes

You may have your own clothing but let’s face it, your sister’s clothing always looked better on you. Having two wardrobes is always going to be beneficial and you can always borrow clothing and give it back when you’re done.

3. She understands how to handle life

She’s been there for you through the difficult times and the good times. You can think of her as being an instruction manual and she will always understand your struggles.

4. No subject is off-limits

When it comes to boundaries, they don’t exist with your sister. You can be in the deep conversation one moment and be dancing around in your underwear the next, even while one of you is using the loo. Awkward moments just don’t exist

5. She taught you everything you need to know about life

Trends come and trends go, but with your sister by your side, you will always be ahead of the curve.

6. Honesty

If you need somebody to be honest with you before you make a terrible decision, your sister will be there for you in a heartbeat. She will give it to you straight without beating around the bush, unlike some of your other friends who might try to spare your feelings

7. You have the same home

Your big sister is always going to be there for you with her door open. Regardless of whether you just need to chat or to watch a cheesy film on Netflix, you know where to go.

8. She knows you

Your sister knows you are from the inside out. That is why she can pick you up when you’re feeling low and be your biggest fan through your entire life

9. She is cheaper than therapy

If you need somebody to talk to, she will always be there. You may not recognise this at first but you learn it later.

10. She’ll stick by your side

Your sister is always going to be there for you, regardless of what type of mess you get into. There’s nothing you could say or do that would make her abandon you and that’s the reason she’s the best.

H/T: Aunty Acid

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