Couple Gives Birth To Second Set Of Twins And The Family Photos Are Precious

If there is one thing that most of us understand about children, it’s the fact that they are a precious miracle and they enhance our lives in so many different ways. Of course, we recognise that there may be some challenges along the way but the benefits of having children and the joy that they provide far outweigh any temporary bumps we may experience.

There is something else that we probably understand about children, and that’s the fact that we love to share pictures with others. We do so in person, on Facebook and in any way that we possibly can. The family in these pictures, however, had something rather special to share. You see, this couple had their second set of twins and the family pictures are melting hearts all across the Internet.


Juliet Cannici and her wife, Nikki, welcome these new twin girls and they got together with two of their other children, who are also twins, for a fantastic photo shoot.

The two other siblings were quite excited about meeting their new sisters. “Nico and Siena have been so excited for their baby sisters to arrive,” Cannici said. “They spent months snuggled with mama’s pregnant belly, talking and singing to the unborn babies. Now that they are here, they are incredibly gentle with them, and they love holding and feeding them. It is so amazing to see.”

There are only 11 days old and they thought it would be a good idea to grab some family pictures. Those pictures just didn’t seem to be coming out right. “I was so set on capturing Nico and Siena holding the babies in the outfits I had rented,” she explained. “But Nico and Siena were SO bored with me, the photos looked terrible. I was disappointed.”

After taking a little break, they tried something different. She had all of them snuggle and that brought about the change they really wanted.

“They immediately held hands and wrapped the other arm around their baby sisters,” Cannici explained about the immense change. “I got them to smile by asking them to ‘act goofy,’ which they recently decided is just a hilarious saying.”

She is rather excited about the bond these children seem to have already. ”

“Several times a day Nico and Siena each say ‘I just love my baby sisters. I will keep them safe forever,’” she explains. “We are taken aback by how seamless a transition it has been for all of us.”

After uploading the pictures, “I hope when people look at that photo they can see the true joy.” She continues to say, “to see our babies all together makes me feel such happiness and accomplishment. The joy you see on Nico and Siena’s faces is entirely genuine.”

This couple is happy with their large family and the bond that they share with each other.

H/T: Shareably

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