Little Girl Thinks Bride Is A Princess But What The Bride Does Is Awesome

Many of us can remember the innocence of childhood and if we don’t remember our own, we certainly can live through the eyes of others. There’s something about that childhood innocence that really makes us long for years gone by and sometimes, we are given a glimpse into those moments that brings out all of our emotions. That is the case with this story.

If there’s one thing that children love, it is a storybook princess and many girls live for the day that they get the opportunity to meet one in person. As it turns out, the little girl in these pictures not only has the opportunity to meet her princess, but the “princess” played along so perfectly that it likely produced a memory that will last for the rest of her life.

It happened when Scott Robertson was taking pictures as he was about to get married. His bride-to-be was interrupted by what could be described as a photo bomber but it was in the cutest way possible. It was a little girl that just happened to be walking by with her mother and she saw the bride standing and having her picture taken. She thought that the bride was the Princess in her storybook and she is even standing there holding the book!

In the end, you end up with some of the cutest pictures that you will ever see in your life. Don’t believe me? Keep looking.

Little girl thought This Bride was the Princess from her favorite book

“The little girl thought my beautiful wife was the Princess from her favorite book (the one she’s holding),” Robertson wrote in the caption of one of the photos

And what did the bride do? She did what any brides should have done, she played along and gave the girl a flower from her bouquet. I don’t know about you, but she just became even more of a princess in my eyes.

Imagine the feeling of getting a real flower from a live storybook princess.

The little girl was then invited to take part in the photo shoot, because it was a princes-like thing to do.

So do you feel it? Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Quite obviously, these pictures went viral after they were posted on imager. After all, they make us remember the innocence that was a part of childhood and lets us know that there really is such a thing as princesses today.

We wish the couple many years of love and happiness in their marriage.