A Mum In McDonalds Breaks Down When She Reads This 12-Word Note

There is nothing so powerful as an unexpected act of kindness. It can really take a normal day and turn it into something extraordinary. It may even be something as simple as giving a person on the street a dollar or perhaps given a smile to somebody who needs it but it is something that can really make a difference.

In the story below, an anonymous writer told what happened to her when she was visiting McDonald’s one day. She observed a woman who was hungry but took her last bit of money to buy a happy meal for her son. She even looked for change between the cushions of her car to pay for it. That is when the person who wrote the anonymous note stepped in and did something that really made a difference in that mother’s life.

You can see it here:

Sometimes it is the little things that mean the most.

Via: Inspire More

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