High School Student Turns Her Back Brace into Awesome Armor

There is no doubt that going through high school can be a very difficult process. That is especially true for a 17-year-old girl and the last thing she would want to do is stand out in a crowd. When Maddie Cable from Charlotte, North Carolina was told she had to wear a large plastic brace for at least six weeks, she was apprehensive at first.

In November, Maddie was in a car accident with her mother and it fractured one of her vertebrae. It was stabilized with pins and rods and then Maddie was fitted with a brace that can only be described as clumsy and massive.


“At first, I felt very self-conscious about the brace”

Thanks to a close friend, Sarah Chako, Maddie was able to turn the awkward looking brace into something that is absolutely awesome! She took some metallic spray paint, acrylic paint, gear shaped stencils and metal framing trim and turned the boring brace into a sci-fi armor plated chest brace that looks absolutely fantastic.


“I enjoy wearing it now. It makes me feel more confident.”

Even the mother was happy with the difference, recognizing that it was more of a conversation piece for Maddie, not something that would make her feel awkward in a crowd.

At times, it is necessary to use some creative thinking and perhaps even to enlist the help of friends to get through a difficult situation. Although wearing the brace to school had the possibility of being depressing, she certainly made lemonade out of lemons.

Do you like what Maddie did? Make sure you share it with others.