Little Girl Mistakes Her for Wonder Woman

Nancy Jundi was at a coffee shop early in the morning when the oddest thing happened to her. A four-year-old girl was nearby and when she looked at Nancy’s face, she screamed! In fact, she was so shocked by the appearance of Nancy that she hid behind her mother and started crying.

By this point, you are probably thinking that there is something strange about her appearance, but it is not what you think! What might cause a young girl to scream and cry, simply because she looked at you?

The reason why the young girl had such a reaction is because Nancy looks like Wonder Woman, a superhero that fights evil and flies around in her invisible airplane. The young girl, named Sophia, then had an encounter with Nancy that she will not soon forget!


“Stopped for coffee this morning at 7-Eleven and when a little girl saw me she hid behind her mother and screamed. When she started crying I felt really bad and had no idea what I’d done. Her mother bent down to comfort her and asked what happened. The little girl whispered something and then the mother turned to look at me.”


“‘She thinks you’re Wonder Woman,’ whispered the mom in broken English. ‘You’re her favorite… Could you… I’m so sorry…’ So I bent down and had the sweetest most encouraging conversation with a 4-year-old that I ever ever had outside of my own nieces.

“‘Why aren’t you wearing your uniform?’ Sofia asked. ‘Well, I work with non super heroes for most of the day — even though we do superhero stuff on the computer.’

“‘So you fight the bad guys on the computer?’ she asked. ‘Sometimes, yes, but we also build some really cool stuff, too.’”


“‘She thinks you’re Wonder Woman,’ whispered the mom in broken English. ‘You’re her favorite… Could you… I’m so sorry…’ So I bent down and had the sweetest most encouraging conversation with a 4-year-old that I ever ever had outside of my own nieces.

“‘Why aren’t you wearing your uniform?’ Sofia asked. ‘Well, I work with non super heroes for most of the day — even though we do superhero stuff on the computer.’

“‘So you fight the bad guys on the computer?’ she asked. ‘Sometimes, yes, but we also build some really cool stuff, too.’”


“She hugged me, her mom thanked me and I was late for work. Because that mattered. And until something in this world tells her differently, she’ll carry herself like she’s wearing that crown. And hopefully, that crown will help her tell the world to stick it, if and when it ever tells her she’s anything other than worthy.

“Oh, God. How I love you. How thankful I am for what you give me in a day.

“Go be superheroes, friends.”

(Images: Facebook/Nancy Jundi, YouTube)

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