Man Sees Cashier Paying For Half Of A Woman’s Groceries In A Random Act Of Kindness

Many of us may go to the grocery every day and we may even find ourselves becoming familiar with those who work there. At times, they will surprise us but what this cashier did was not only a surprise, it is gaining her a lot of praise because of the act of kindness and the fact that it is now going viral.

A man by the name of Gary Clark was buying groceries at his local store and he noticed an elderly woman in front of him. The cashier had finished scanning her items but she did not have enough money to cover the cost of the bill. Rather than making her come back later or perhaps doing without, the cashier took money out of her own pocket and paid for half of the woman’s groceries.

The name of the cashier is Janelle. When she realised that the elderly woman didn’t have enough to pay for groceries, she said “You come through my line all the time, and I want to help. I had a good week.”


A picture of Janell was posted on Facebook by Clark along with this message:

“This girl is a cashier at Marsh on Kentucky Ave, her name is Janell. A elderly woman came through her line, did not have enough money. This young lady took money out of her own pocket and paid half of her bill. Please share and let everyone know our youth is not a lost cause. I was proud to [witness] it, Marsh should be proud to have her as an employee”


After being posted, it went viral almost right away and in a week, had well over 25,000 shares.

There were also many positive comments, and many people felt as if the manager should be called so he knew what Janell did in an act of kindness that is inspiring others.

Via: America Now

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