Nursing Home Creates 1940s Neighbourhood To Help Patients With Memory Loss

One of the problems that many people face as they get older is a difficulty with short-term memory loss. Though short-term memories may be a few years old, but they begin to disappear due to problems, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

What many people are surprised to learn is the fact that the long-term memories may still be largely intact. They may still be able to remember things from their childhood and they feel comfortable when they are in such surroundings.

That is where a nursing home had a brilliant idea. They altered the interior of the nursing home to look like a 1940s neighbourhood, complete with painted walls, rocking chairs and porches.

Those decorations are not just for the residents to look at, they also help to lower the stress levels because it presents a degree of familiarity to those who live there.

You can learn more about this wonderful initiative through the images below.


3 assisted living facilities in one area have revolutionized the industry. The insides of the buildings tend to be even more artful than many homes in the area.


The courtyards and the halls of the buildings were made to look like they are from the 1940s. They are cheery, freshly painted and there are even rocking chairs on the front porches.


The floors and ceiling also add to the illusion. The ceilings are painted blue and include fiberoptics so it looks as if it is the outside sky. The floor is green grass with organic -looking colour changes.


It helps with the patient’s minds and emotions.

“Every little thing you see, the wall colour, the paint, actually has a therapeutic benefit, a therapeutic value,” explained CEO Jean Makesh to the News-Herald.


They hope that such a controlled environment would reduce the stress and aggression associated with many who live in the home.

They also hope that it would help them to retain the memories from their earlier years as their short-term memory declines.


“I take them back to those memories,” he explains. “I create a time capsule. It enables them to embrace everything around them.”

By using these types of initiatives, the facilities help to make the lives of those who lived there a little better.

Via: Little Things

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