Strangers Say She Is ‘Too Big’ For The Stroller So Mum Has A Rant On Facebook

Being a parent certainly presents its own challenges, but there is something that most of us recognise about motherhood. When a mother loves her children, there is no love that is stronger and there is no mountain they won’t climb to keep them safe. The same is also true when it comes to protecting their young. If a mother should happen to catch somebody bullying her children, she will come down on them with the greatest of vengeance.

When most of us think about bullying, we think about children on the playground but even adults may mock children who are disabled. Although it may seem ridiculous, this young girl with joint hypermobility has just that problem. Her condition makes it painful for her to stand or walk for an extended amount of time.

At times, this little girl needs a stroller to rest but since her condition isn’t totally visible, adults think that she is just being spoiled or perhaps lazy.

Having heard too much of the talk, her mother decided to take to Facebook with some of the challenges that she faces every day. You can read what she had to say through images below:


This open letter is to all of you that have looked and judged my daughter over the last few days – looking, frowning at her, those little whispers behind my back thinking I can’t hear you.

Come and talk to me and ask me why my daughter is in a stroller that she is “too big” for.


The reason Miss M, my daughter, is sitting in a stroller (not looking happy I may add) is because she has joint hypermobility syndrome.

When she walks more than usual or when it’s too hot, she has pain in her lower body. Her legs, ankles and feet are very painful.


So she actually cannot walk far at all without needing to be picked up.

Even when I pick her up, she cannot put her legs around me in order for me to carry her, because she does not have strength in them during this time.

Plus, to be honest, my back cannot cope carrying her for long periods of time.

She is on pain medication and anti-inflammatory medicines to help her until she starts to feel better.


She doesn’t always need the stroller.

She has gone an entire year without needing it, but since our holiday she has walked too much and over-exerted herself.

I didn’t think about bringing it when we went away. I wish I did, because poor Mr. B had to carry her around most of the time.


When we are out, I have found myself talking out loud to Miss M about her legs.

I’ll ask her, “How are your feet are feeling? Has the pain medication helped yet? Hopefully you’ll be walking around again in no time.”

I do this just so I can give complete strangers reasons as to why Miss M is using a stroller.

And I am fed up with it.


So the next time you see a child in a stroller and think he or she looks “too old” to be in it, don’t judge or assume the child or parent is lazy. Don’t whisper behind the parent’s back or frown at either of them.

For one, a child being in a stroller has nothing to do with anyone else, and two, the child might actually have a reason to be using one.

From a fed up mum with a daughter who can’t walk at the moment without being in pain.

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