Two-Year-Old Was Born With A Rare Condition And A Man With The Same Condition Comes To Visit

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and at times, they may do amazing things. It doesn’t mean that they do them in the public spotlight, but thanks to the Internet, we sometimes are privy to what they are able to do. That is the case with Jono Lancaster, a 30-year-old British man who was born with Treacher Collins, a rare genetic condition.

Treacher Collins results in problems with facial bone and tissue development, causing the face to become underdeveloped. It is so rare that only 1 in 50,000 people are diagnosed with the condition. When Jono heard about Zachary Walton, a two-year-old boy in Australia who suffered from the same condition, he jumped on a plane and flew to Australia to see him.


Jono met Zachary for the first time and he uploaded a picture of the two of them to Facebook. The photo had the caption, “Today and over the next couple of days I get to hang out with this little dude and his amazing family in beautiful Adelaide.” Zachary’s mother said that he was a celebrity and a huge inspiration.

“I would have loved to have met somebody like myself when I was younger … somebody who had got a job, got a partner and said to me ‘these are the things you can do, you can achieve’.”

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