MEN: Do You Want To Live A Longer Life? Research Shows You Should Marry A Smart Woman

When a man is considering getting married, he may look at a woman and consider any number of her qualities. Those qualities may differ, depending upon the man who is looking but something he may want to consider from this point forward is her intelligence.

As it turns out, high levels of intelligence in a wife is a highly desirable quality. Research has shown that it can even help to increase how long a man lives and may even help to prevent dementia. Identical twins were examined for this test and it showed that a person’s surroundings can affect their intellectual abilities.


According to the research, men who marry intelligent women tend to live longer and are happier. They also rarely suffer from diseases, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. It has been known that intellectually stimulating games help to prevent those diseases, and an intelligent partner may help to prevent them for the same reason.

You might find it interesting that some men who were married to highly intelligent women turned out to have physically weak brains when they were scanned. Even so, they didn’t suffer from symptoms of poor mental health. They were confident in their mental abilities.

Lawrence Whalley, a professor of mental health said “The thing a boy needs to do if he wants to live a longer life is marry an intelligent woman. There is no better buffer (to dementia) than intelligence.”


When a girl was proud of her intelligence, she tends to grow up to be responsible and independent. Boys who have similar characteristics tend to establish healthy relationships with the women who create a more pleasant family atmosphere.

Unfortunately, it is often thought that the beauty of a woman should be valued more highly than intellect. Research has shown, however, that when a man cares about the intelligence of his mate, it will help him with both his physical and psychological health.

Via: Bright Side

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