Mum Figures Out The Perfect Way To Make Sure Her Internet-Obsessed Kids Finish Their Chores

The world has certainly changed in many ways over the past 2 decades. Back in the late 1990s, people weren’t so attached to their phones, tablets and computers, for one. The Internet was still in it’s infancy and many children found other ways to fill their time.

One thing that hasn’t changed, however, is that kids still don’t like to do their chores and at times, they will do almost anything to get out of doing them. It looks like on mum has found a brilliant way to correct the problem. You are sure to have a huge smile on your face and it just may spark an idea or two.

clever motherhood

This mum rocks! She locks the WiFi password every day and before she will give up the new password, she makes her kids send a picture of the finished chores. She even makes them put something unique in the picture, just so there is no cheating going on.

Sure, she needs to figure out a new password every day but the payoff is priceless.

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