Man Takes Pictures of Doctors Sleeping On Duty But He Wasn’t Expecting THIS Response

There are times when bloggers can bring us news from the inside when we would otherwise be left in the dark. That was the case with this blogger, who was a patient at the hospital at the time that he wrote his post. You see, he took it upon himself to take pictures of the medical staff while they were sleeping and turned it into a negative online post.

The response was not what he expected!

Don’t get me wrong. If he was trying to rattle some cages and get some attention, he got more than he bargained for. After posting the pictures of these medical professionals, trying to make them look “lazy,” he got the attention of many other medical professionals. More than likely, he has a newfound respect for the profession and if he doesn’t, shame on him.

Here is what happened.

The original picture was taken by the blogger at 3:00 am


He wrote in a negative post to go along with the pictures, “Plenty of patients were waiting for help.”


Then something unexpected happened.

First, a Mexican doctor put up his own photo with a hashtag ‘I fell asleep too!’


Other doctors jumped in on the action, sharing their own photos and defending their colleague.


It seems as if medical workers worldwide had something to add to it.


Many doctors work 36 hour shifts and may be at the hospital up to 80 hours a week!


One of the responses simply said ‘We’re people, not machines!’


Their photos spoke for them as they defended, both themselves and their colleagues


These are pictures taken during the most exhausting moments a human can know


Never forget that these people are there to help the patients


We should respect their need for some downtime and not ridicule them for taking it


Rest well, you deserve it!


Via: Aunty Acid

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