Mark Wahlberg Opens Up On How His Faith Impacts His Life

When most of us think about Mark Wahlberg, we probably think about him as an actor or perhaps we think about his health transformation into a much healthier person. We might even think about his time as a rapper.

What we don’t typically think about is a Catholic, but that is how Wahlberg sees himself. In fact, when he appeared on the NBC Today Show, he admitted that he doesn’t try to hide his relationship with God.

The 51-year-old actor had a black cross on his forehead when he was on the show. He called it a balance, saying he didn’t want to jam it down anyone’s throat, but it would be a sin to deny his faith.

Wahlberg went on to say: “You know, it’s not popular in my industry but I cannot deny my faith. It’s important for me to share that with people. But, I have friends from all walks of life and all different types of faiths and religions, so it’s important to respect and honor them as well.”

He also says that his faith has helped him to maintain his discipline within his career. He talks about how discipline is necessary. They are all important, whether it is working out, fasting, or maintaining some distance from other things.

One of the things that he talked about was fasting during Lent. He spoke about the different elements of fasting, saying that if you have an issue with food or other things, then you should detach from them.

He said: “We all know those things that make us feel guilty, don’t make us feel as good as we should. So [it’s about] being able to detach from those things and focus on good habits as opposed to bad habits. There are challenges for fasting, like today, I won’t have any meat. I’ll have one meal today, and I’ll do that every Friday throughout Lent and Good Friday.”

He also said that he is very vocal when it comes to his belief. He revealed that he doesn’t force his children to follow Catholicism, but he does encourage them to respect what he believes in.