Mother Of 8 On Welfare Claims She Can’t Find Work Because She’s “Too Pretty”

There is no denying that being a single parent certainly does have its challenges. In fact, very few people would claim otherwise. Between caring for the children at home and making sure you are providing for them financially, it can really put a burden on the parent. Many of them need help but there are limits as to what help should be given.

An example of this is seen in England and taxpayers are up in arms over the case of Marie Buchan. She is a mother of eight and receives government assistance. She doesn’t have a job but she has a very unusual reason for not having one.

Marie Buchan, a native of Birmingham, England, is a single mother of eight children. She receives about £26,000 in welfare benefits annually.


She had a lot of press recently because she claims she’s too pretty to work in her chosen field.

She is known as “Octomom”, and her children range in age from 3-15. According to her, the benefit she gets from the government are necessary for raising the children but many in England feel that she is just mooching off of the system.

Marie’s chosen field of expertise is an auto mechanic but she claims that she has been held back because of prejudice. She said that the auto garage world is dominated by men and they don’t take her seriously. They only view her as a sex object. She chose the field to fight sexism but has been unsuccessful.

She worked part-time as a personal support worker but in several television interviews, she claimed that she hated the job. Many viewers find her attitude to be distasteful and they resented that she only worked 16 hours per week so that she could continue to collect welfare.

Marie quit a job because she began making too much money for her kids to qualify for free school lunches. She rationalized it by saying she didn’t make enough to buy her kids lunch every day so she was better off not working.

She has also been criticized for working as a stripper and her decision to get breast augmentation surgery. She said that her boyfriend is paying for the surgery and it will not cost the taxpayers anything but her critics say it is another example of how she is not serious about finding work.

She claims to be trying hard to succeed as an auto mechanic and that her family life and work are an excuse to mooch off of the taxpayers. As long as she remains in the public eye, however, people will find a reason to resent her.

Hopefully she will find a way to rectify the situation.

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