Robin Williams Had A SHOCKING Demand While On Set That No One Knew…Until Now

We were all devastated when we lost Robin Williams. He was a brilliant actor, a gifted comedian, a loving father, and a kind man dedicated to charitable causes.

One of the demands listed in his contract has been making the news recently. It says so much about the actor’s true nature.

I’m not going to act as if I knew him personally, but I did meet him one time. I was working in a small toy shop in New York City when Robin came in with his family one day. He kept his sunglasses on, so I gave him his space—I didn’t think he wanted to be recognized. After walking around for a few minutes, he began picking up each of the toys and making them speak in funny accents before moving on to another. Only I could hear him.

It didn’t last very long—maybe just 30 seconds—but I knew how lucky I was to have witnessed a private performance from such a comedic genius.

It’s a memory that I will always treasure, and just one out of thousands like it from people who have met him.

Brian Lord is a writer who once tried to book Robin for an event. On his blog, he tells an incredible story that really exemplifies just how loving and generous Robin Williams was.

Scroll down to read the story and please SHARE with another Robin Williams fan.


A rider is a list of demands given by a celebrity before they agree to work. For example, Van Halen notoriously demanded that there would be a bowl of M&Ms backstage at every show, but also demanded that all the brown ones be removed. Williams also had a rider… And it will shock you more than Van Halen’s.

Premiere Of Universal Pictures "Man Of the Year" - Arrivals


Williams insisted that for every film or event he did, the producers must employee a certain number of homeless people.

Happy Feet - UK Premiere


While some celebrities insist upon expensive champagne, private jets, or imported water bottles, Robin merely wanted to help out the less fortunate.

Warner Bros. Premiere Of Happy Feet - Arrivals


Williams was a longtime advocate for Homeless Rights. In 1990, he testified before the Senate in support of the Homeless Prevention and Revitalization Act.

6th Annual Stand Up For Heroes - Show

In his testimony he said, “The problem cannot be denied anymore… I do believe this can work in an incredible way, from a grassroots level, that the money can get to and prevent, truly prevent, homelessness. That’s where it lies. You can’t keep picking people up; you have to stop them from falling. That’s what I hope. Thank you.”


Robin played a homeless man in the the 1991 film “The Fisher King.” The movie is known for its sensitive portrayal of mental illness and its effect on homelessness. Williams was widely praised for his role.


The director, Terry Gilliam, says, “That’s also why I think his character in The Fisher King is in many ways the closest one to Robin, just that range — the madness, the damage, the pain, the sweetness, the outrageousness. That was the role I think that stretched him to the limits.”


Robin Williams was an incredibly generous person. I hope this story will inspire you to do your part in helping prevent homelessness so we can keep Robin’s legacy alive.


Please SHARE this beautiful story with another Robin Williams fan, and scroll down to watch the video of Robin testifying before the Senate below.