She Defends Her Son After Stranger Calls Him Repulsing

As a parent, we want to ensure that your children are well balanced and have a positive opinion of themselves, even from a young age. When a child is comfortable about himself, they have a definite advantage in life.

One parent that tries to instill a positive attitude in her child is Dallas Fowler. Her 2 year old son, Jameus, has had his share of problems in life. The last thing he needs is a rude stranger voicing her opinion in public, but unfortunately, far too many people feel compelled to say something.

You see, Jameus suffers from colon issues and in his 2 years of life, he has had dozens of surgeries. He now has visible bags, known as stomas, protruding from his body. Over 500,000 Americans have stoma bags but many people are unaware of the condition.


Dallas took Jameus with her on a trip to Walmart. His shirt slid up a little, allowing his stoma bags to be viable. The woman behind them in line “shrieked a little,” then she asked Dallas how she could let someone do that to him.


Dallas tried to give an explanation to this rude woman but she wasn’t having it. Her response was “Well I am sorry but I just think that is so ‘repulsing,’ can you please keep his shirt down?”


Dallas was astounded at the rudeness of this stranger and she removed herself from the situation. She then took her reply to social media, so that others could learn from it.

“Please be kind and choose your words wisely, especially should you choose to comment about something that is none of your business,” she wrote. “Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about, and my son is winning his.”



Via: Facebook

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