She Posted This Picture Of Her Boyfriend On Facebook But Never Saw The Creepy Figure Behind Him

When a Reddit user was out for a day with her boyfriend, she took a picture of him at a park. He was standing under a tree, and it appeared to be the perfect opportunity for snapshot. It was his son, however, who noticed something strange in the image.

The boy shared the image on Reddit that his father’s girlfriend had taken. It was a candid shot, because he is somewhat camera shy and he rarely ever takes selfies. As it turns out, they ended up capturing a lot more than just a picture of the boyfriend and the scenery. There was something terrifying lurking in the tall grass.

Although she had no idea that it was there during the photo session, she later noticed the image in the background. By that time, the Reddit user had already shared it.


The boy who shared the image had this to say “My dad and his girlfriend were walking around Alderfer/Three Sisters Park in Evergreen, CO (which is in the Rocky Mountains). My pops hates having his picture taken so his gf was sneaking a pic on her phone from a ways back. She had zoomed in a bit. That’s why the photo is not very clear. There was no one behind him when she took the photo. And my dad also just walked by and said no one was around. They didn’t notice the figure until they got home.”

They also took a video with an iPhone and you can see the figure moving. It even appears to be approaching the man from behind. After recognizing that something was behind him, they returned to the spot but it was nowhere to be seen.

A creepy figure behind my Dad

They also saw that the grass wasn’t high enough to hide a person and if they were standing up, they wouldn’t be hidden, not even if they were a little child.

Here are some of the comments they received on the video:

“That’s really interesting. Like a lot of other people say, looks like a kid stalking through the grass. He kind of looks like he’s sitting on his heels (like when kids imitate dogs) and crawling forward with his hands and knees.”

“That is creepy as all get out. It looks like a teenage boy in a grey shirt just kind of crouching in the grass… was there a drop down there or is that only knee-length or so grass?”

“Wow, that really creeps me out. Maybe when you go you could try to do a little evp session?”

“I wonder if it’s a wild turkey. A male turkey could be roughly the same size and shape.”

What do you think is there?

Via: AWM

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