Stranger Tells Mom With Baby To ‘Shut That Thing Up’ Then Gets Slammed By His Own Dad

When we become a parent, we are signing up for a long-term project. It doesn’t end when the child is out of nappies, there are times when we need to give some loving correction to our children, even when they are adults themselves.

That’s what happened to one young man who was out with his dad and nearby to her mother with a baby. It was a difficult day, and the mother was having a problem with the child, and the young man muttered “shut that thing up.” Thankfully, his father stepped up to the plate.


Lucy Hatami had gone to breakfast with her eight month old baby boy.


The baby began to get fussy and Lucy was trying to calm him down when she overheard this twentysomething guy at a nearby table say:

“I wish she’d shut that thing up!”

Before she had an opportunity to react, the young man’s father came up behind him and clipped him around the ears. He doesn’t hesitate and told him:

“What and you think you were perfect? You were a right little sod. Now stop being a brat, go up there and apologise to her and offer to get her breakfast as she clearly has her hands full!”

And the son did! He spent the rest of the visit acting as Lucy’s personal waiter. She shared the experience on Facebook, thanking the father who still remembers what it was like to have a baby.


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