The Greatest Wedding Invitation In History. This Couple Is Doing It Right.

The wedding day is one of distinction and honor. For months in advance, we stress over all of the little details and make sure that everything is just right, from the wedding dress right down to the tablecloths at the reception. We want to be certain that the day goes off without a hitch, but if you look at every wedding in history, you will find that it never does. You can either stress over it or embrace it, just like the people who wrote this wedding invitation.

When they wrote the wedding invitation, they did more than just ask for a food choice (chicken or beef) and an RSVP. They made up for every possible alternative, from the vegan, who refuses to sit with meat eaters, to the drunk guy that shows up and starts throwing punches at the reception. It was a brilliant checklist and, as many of us know, one that is all to realistic.

At the end of the day, our wedding is only a few moments of our life; but they are the moments we will always remember. Rather than being surprised and appalled at those little unexpected glitches, you can prepare for it with a similar hilarious invitation. I just have to wonder what they got back!
