Students Walk Into Class And See Writing On Their Desks. Once The Read It, They’re All Smiles

With the exception of our parents and family, it is probably reasonable to say that teachers have the biggest impact on our lives. And if we sit down and think about it, each of us probably has one, maybe two amazing teachers who were so influential and important in our growth and development.

It may have been that they influenced our choice of career, that they pushed us that little bit harder and whilst at the time we may have hated their guts at the end of your school life, their respect meant everything to you.

For me that was exactly how it was, the stricter the teacher the more I responded, I wanted to earn their respect, to make them proud of me. I might have been a little scared of them at the time but personally, the tougher teachers were always more important to me than the nice ones. I acknowledge that may be the opposite for most people, but that was just how it was with me.


The teacher I want to feature in this specific article was quite the opposite, she was kind caring and certainly extremely thoughtful. When her 5th Grade class were practising and preparing for their PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers), she got a dry erase marker and wrote personal messages of encouragement and support on each of their desks. She wanted to strike right at their core, to let them know that at least one individual totally understood them, and wanted to let them know she was behind them every step of the way.

Here are some of those special messages

“Yovani, I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it! Do your best! Love, Your Teachers.” Another said “Ish, I know this is the first time you are taking this test. Use all the tools, and grow your brain! Love, Your Teachers.”

Showing that she was also cool and up with technology this magical teacher Mrs. Langford who works at Evergreen Avenue Elementary School in Woodbury, N.J. even finished every personalised quote with the hashtag #growthmindset even taking this opportunity to impart some knowledge and positivity.

Whilst this was nothing major in time or expense, I personally believe it is these special and personal little touches that will have a huge effect on the futures of some of her students. And I would be willing to bet that even if only one student remembers this, or if it has a positive effect on one student Mrs Langford will feel it was worth all the effort.
