Toddler And 5-Year-Old Steal SUV To Drive To Grandma’s House And Crash

There is just something about going to grandma’s house that makes a kid want to take extra steps to ensure that they get there. Unfortunately, two preschoolers took this to the next level when they stole their parents SUV.

They may have been on the way to grandma’s house, but they didn’t make it very far. The 5-year-old and 3-year-old were able to reach an intersection near the house but they T-boned a Volvo.

When neighbours heard the loud crash, they rushed out to see what happened.

“I held the kids both in their hands and I said, ‘Where’s your mum?’ [They said], ‘Sleeping. I want to go to my grandma’s house,’” Annemarie Warren recalled to KOMO News. “I was waiting for the mother to come out, too, you know?”

The driver of the Volvo only had minor cuts and bruises and the children were not hurt.

It is unclear if the parents are going to face charges.

You can see more in this video:

Via: Huffington Post

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