Woman Notices Man Collapse In His Seat. But Didn’t Expect The Woman Sitting Next To Her Would Do This.

Had to share since I’m still so ticked off at this pig.

Our seats at Giants stadium are by the aisle.

During yesterday’s Giants-Dallas game, an older gentleman was climbing up the aisle to his seat, he stopped right along our row, sweating and out of breath.

The woman behind me kindly told him to take his time and slow down… no hurry to get to his seat. A minute later folks are yelling from a few rows behind us that someone wasn’t breathing.

The man had collapsed into his seat clearly having heart attack. Security and medical folks got up to him fairly quickly and took him down on a backboard while a gentleman from our section was doing chest compressions. A horrible scene, especially for the kids sitting in my section, including my 12 year old.

I look to my left, away from the action, and this woman (old enough to know better) has her phone held up and she’s filming the whole event. She looked right at me as I told her to put her darn phone down and have a little respect for a dying man and his family. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

Why the heck would you film that? Who are you going to show it to? Are you going to put it on YouTube or FB and see how many likes you get?

That man is someone’s husband, father, grandfather… I’m sure his family doesn’t need to come across a video of him dying.

This woman is a piece of trash and I thought I should give her the recognition she deserves.

Photo Credit to Tyler who too thinks she deserves this recognition.

People, please put down your phones and act human once in a while.

stadium woman

Let’s give her a taste of her own medicine and share this with your friends by clicking below!